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Boulder County Plumbing
(720) 202-4187

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Water Heater ReplacementA Guide To Safe And Effective Water Heater Replacement

One may experience having to replace a common household device. The water heater replacement is a crucial process as improper connections can cause danger.

The following guide to replacing equipment takes safety and efficiency into consideration.

The old or broken heating device needs to be disconnected.

The first important step is to shut down the main electrical or gas supplies depending on the type of container one has. Your system needs to be removed from all piping so increase knowledge of its components.

Drain all fluid within the device and turn the warm faucet on to increase air within your system. With gas ensure that the pilot light is off before proceeding. One must use appropriate tools such as wrenches for removal of unions when removing the system.

The entire system must be positioned so that it is within easy reach of the piping to which it should be connected.

The next important step is in venting which is why care should be taken when the draft hood is placed. The connection to the hot and cold elements need certain materials for security and this process requires adherence to special building codes ensuring that the correct sources are used.

Avoid sediment from blocking the cold gate valve by placing it in a vertical position. Check the system for a pressure relief valve as every device must have one. It is suggested that one place a pipe from the observed valve a few inches from the floor as a safety precaution should hot fluid leak out.

Drainage valves should be sealed and the container filled in order to determine any leaks.

If none are noted continue to fill the container and release the air from the warm faucet.

Water heater replacement is a very important process and be sure to only turn the electricity or gas on only when the system is secured while in the event that one is not familiar with wiring or components consult with experts in the field.


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(720) 202-4187

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Water Heater Replacement Cost,Gas Water Heater Replacement,Hot Water Heater Replacement,Pro Heaters Water Replacements,Electric Water Heater Replacement,
Rheem Heaters Water Replacement,Water Heater Installation Instructions,Tankless Water Heater